I’m using this space to list out any links I refer to on Instagram. The most recent links will be at the top. The farther you go down this list, the greater the possibility the links are no longer valid. In summary – the good stuff is at the top.

Click on the image for the link

Fake It Till You Make It .99 Flash Sale! June 1st to June 6th.

Romance Sale!!!! All books are .99 from now until Aug. 28th.

This group happened accidentally. I’m a member of the Girlfriend Book Club group on Facebook and it is wonderful. Thousands of fellow bibliophiles all chatting about all things books and reading. But one day a post popped up about graphic sex in books. People had varying opinions about how much sex should be in books, one comment led to another, and suddenly we had a Facebook group devoted to people who enjoy a little steam in their novels. Want in? We’d love to have ya! Click here to join the Buttering the Biscuits Book Club