Peggy’s Mean Meats

This restaurant does not exist (as far as I know) but it is based on a restaurant where I worked as a hostess during college. My restaurant was Steak and Ale so the only thing I took from that was Ethan, really a busboy name Mark, and the method of keeping track of which tables were cleared and which needed to be bused.

For the logo, I did once see a restaurant logo with an aggressive hog packing heat. That’s where the idea came from to use that as inspiration for an old logo that could maybe use a revamp for a family-oriented restaurant.


When I wrote Once You Cross That Line, I had a four-year-old who was obsessed with the Civil War. Since it was only a short drive from our house, we frequented Gettysburg at least a few times each year. I fell in love with the Castle at Little Round Top the moment I saw it. Having an ex the story that was a history buff (inspired by real-life history buff husband) and a history teacher made it pretty easy to incorporate into this one. My kid also almost cracked his teeth going down the steep steps, so I included that in there, too.

The Say Anything Reference

I was out front one day when a man with a guitar asked if he could stand in my driveway to serenade the neighbor across the street. Just like Kristi, I missed all the red flags. The cops were not called in that instance, but I did see firsthand how horribly wrong those sorts of romantic gestures can go. Of course, I had to make Kristi’s a cluster, too.

But Are There Really That Many Gnomes Out There?

Yes, there are. But context is key. I grew up in the 90s in Baltimore County, so perhaps my ratio of garden gnomes to front yards was higher than others’. This aspect of the book – everything referencing garden gnomes – is inspired by teenage shenanigans where my friends and I would drive around borrowing garden gnomes for the night. Luckily, this was before cameras on cell phones and so I don’t have any pictures of our bountiful gnome hauls (or many pictures in general of the dumb stuff we got into as teens).